can i enteR ALL EVENTS?
Absolutely! The Llano Longhorn Roundup show competition is planned so that breeders and ranchers can bring some of their top Texas Longhorn females, bulls, and trophy steers to be evaluated in various forms of competition. Make the most of your travel time and other expenses - take advantage of participating in multiple show divisions. It's a great way to see how your Texas Longhorns stack up in the showring!
do i need vet papers?
Yes, like for all show events, each animal entered for shows at the Llano Longhorn Roundup will need to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) that is dated within 30 days of the show event. Please have your CVI's for each animal available at check-in time.
what supplies should i bring with me?
All cattle owners (or entrants) are responsible for bringing water tubs for their animals, along with feed, hay, and shavings for the stalls. Stall shavings must be purchased at the arena. See the heading of "Supplies" on the Entry Info page to see more about sending in your pre-order for shavings so we have those reserved for you.
Are there special hotel rates for this show weekend?
Info concerning special lodging opportunities will be posted on the Entry Info page. There are also RV spots available for rental at the Kuykendall Arena and two RV parks located just across the street from the arena grounds. Llano also boasts a number of bed & breakfast houses for weekend rental.
ATTN EXHIBITORS: To help expedite wait times at check-in, all exhibitors are asked to e-mail in their health papers (CVI's) for their cattle to Merrilou Russell (to: [email protected]) by Nov 5th. Those who have sent in their CVIs this way will have their name(s) added to the barrel for a special drawing for a gift card. We appreciate your help in advance. The winner of this drawing will be announced at the start of Friday night's show events.